Looking after yourself is looking after your business. In this course, Accredited Practising Dietitians, Amelia Bandera and Christie Johnson take us through the essentials of healthy eating for entrepreneurs
Introduction to Looking After Yourself is Looking After Your Business
Video: Introduction to Nutrition
What is Healthy Eating?
Video: What is a Healthy Diet
Handout: What Is A Healthy Diet
Healthy Snacking
Video: Healthy Snacking
Handout: Healthy Snacking Recipes
Understanding Ingredients
Video: Understanding Ingredients Video
Handout: Understanding Ingredients
Understanding Healthy Portions
Video: Healthy Portion Sizes
Handout: Healthy Portion Sizes
Modifying Recipes
Video: Modifying Recipes
Handout: Modifying Recipes & Example Recipes
Choosing Healthy Convenience Foods
Video: Choosing Healthy Convenience Foods
Handout: Choosing Healthy Convenience Foods
Health in a Hurry
Video: Health in a Hurry
Handout: Health in a Hurry
Introduction to Plant-Based Diets
Video: Introduction to Plant-Based Diets
Handout: Introduction to Plant Based & Recipes
Worksheet: Planning your Food & Movement
Worksheet: Looking After Yourself is Looking After Your Business
Nutrition Instructor
Amelia Bandera
helping people improve their health and quality of life. I’ve always been interested in how nutrition and diet affects our health, and passionate about helping others.
I am now a Dietitian, and Product Manager for Health Tech Startup, Sophus Health Pty Ltd where we are creating a product that not only provides dietetic support to anyone, anywhere at anytime; but is also available to our clients in times when they need us most - in times of vulnerability and confusion. It is clear from the research, that people make the most successful strides in their health when we focus on altering underlying behaviours and that is what we are doing through evidence-based knowledge, behavioural insights, and technology. I am excited about the future of health, and hope to bring innovation to traditional dietetic practice.